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Poverty Reduction

You donations will help to support every household in Africa to reduce poverty.


Eradication of extreme poverty—depended on Africa’s performance. Recent forecasts from the United Nations and the World Bank suggest that Africa is not going to make it. This has being a concern to OFSDAT!

Less of Africa’s growth translates into poverty reduction because of high initial poverty, including low asset levels and limited access to public services, which prevent households from taking advantage of opportunities.

Africa’s increasing reliance on natural resources for income growth rather than agricultural and rural development excludes the 85 percent of the poor population living in rural areas; and

Africa’s high fertility and resulting high population growth mean that even high growth translates into less income per person—a point too often ignored in discussions on the sub-continent and in the rest of the world.
In addressing these worrying trends, OFSDAT is now campaigning for:

  • Reduction in fertility;
  • increase agricultural productivity, especially for food crops (an African green revolution);
  • rapid address of risk and conflict; and
  • increase domestic resource mobilization and call on the world to focus its resources on the poor Africans.

These areas are certainly key for the livelihoods and welfare of the poor, and its current neglect is the failure of many interventions in rural areas in which OFSDAT has renewed the effort to bridging the gap. 

Your donation will help a household!

Join us in our campaign as listed above to support every household in Africa to reduce poverty.


Kingsempire Place, After Citiscape Villa, Opposite Human Right Radio Station, Game Village, Kukwaba, FCT-Abuja, Nigeria


Phone: +(234) 809 249 9990

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